Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fitness: Circuit Training (Body Weight) for MMA

Circuit Training is a specific type of workout designed to promote fat loss and muscle endurance as well as overall fitness. The exercises are done in succession(with as little rest time as possible) in order to keep the heart rate high and create a cardiovascular workout that is very effective at burning fat, and at activating the muscles. Any one training in MMA can attest to the effectiveness of circuit training. It is perfect because it is a workout that emulates a type of workout similar to fighting. The following workout is a basic circuit workout, consisting entirely of body weight exercises, designed mostly for beginners. The exercises are as follows:
  1. Jumping Jacks- the elementary school favorite, everyone knows this one. good for warming up and keeping the heart rate high. 20 repetitions.
  2. Push ups- make sure to keep hands at chest level and to touch chest to the ground. activates the pushing muscles(chest and triceps.) 20 repetitions.
  3. Sit ups- touch your head to your knees, and use a slow controlled movement. activates the abdominal muscles. 20 repetitions.
  4. Squats- keep your back straight and your hands out in front of you. your legs should be at about shoulder width. squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. works the legs. 20 repetitions.
  5. Pull ups-The only piece of equipment I recommend is a pull up bar.(can be found for fairly cheap at many stores, like walmart or cvs.) pull until your chin is above the bar. activates the pulling muscles(back and biceps). 5 repetitions.
  6. Burpies- Start standing, squat down and place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs out straight behind you, and then bring your legs back to your hands. Next, explode off the floor, straightening up at the waist and jumping as high as you can. Land and bring your hands to the floor. this is one rep. 10 repetitions.
The idea is to do all 6 exercises for the listed repetitions with the minimal amount of rest between them. You do the entire workout four times so you will do each exercise for four sets. (You can add and subtract sets depending on your fitness level.) I recommend you do this workout three to four times a week or use it to supplement other types of training. A consistent routine, along with a good diet with clean foods, will help you build lean muscle mass and increase your overall fitness as well as shed fat.



  1. Deren,
    I'm so glad I found your blog and am now following you.I hope you do alot more posts on exercise.I need to start working out again on a regular basis and don't have time for the gym but all of your exercise I can do right at home,EXACTLY what I need.
    Thanks so much.
    your New Friend,


  2. Great blog you have. I was just on blogcatalog.com and found your link. MMA is so awesome!

    I followed you too ;) I hope you will return the favor.

    Well see you around.

  3. Thanks man. I really needed to find this. I'm trying to get back in shape for football season and MMA is the best thing i can find.

  4. Eat Good Fats

There are actually good fats out there, and you know what? They will actually help you lose weight. That's right, they will help you burn the bad fat from your belly. This is for sure one of the best diet tips and we have an article dedicated to good fats vs bad fats. The main point here is your diet should consist of a portion of these healthy fats. Stuff like olive oil, avocado, almonds and a ton of others will not make you fat. Eat them up! Eating fish oil is one of the best diet tips. Sometimes it's hard to get all this in your normal diet and supplements are great for this.

    Stay Away From Refined Sugars

Refined sugars are a killer, they are probably the fastest way to add pounds. The problem is they are called so many different things. It's not as simple as checking the label and looking for sugar. Its called dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, maltodextrin and a number of others.

One of the worst culprits (other than chocolate) is soda. This stuff is terrible for you. If you can substitute you're a couple pop a day habit, you will be well on your way! 

    Water is Your Best Friend

Water is the lifeblood of the human body. More than 70% of your body is made up of water, and most of us don't drink enough of it. We are walking around mildly dehydrated, and that is a big problem because our metabolism and other bodily functions are negatively affected.

Water can also play another key role in dieting. If one of your major problems is overeating, then drinking a large glass of water before each meal will actually help you eat less and stick to a healthy amount of good foods. Try it for a week and you will be amazed how your body reacts!

These are our best diet tips. Remember the best ways to lose weight listed above. It is important to think exercise and dieting? Not just dieting alone.

    Drago MMA
    Drago MMA Workouts
    Drago MMA Fitness Workout
    Drago MMA Workout
